
On this page, you can find all my research activities (other than publications), e.g., academic service, teaching, etc.

Software Projects

I have been playing an active role in the development of the following software packages:

  • PMTK; Process Mining Toolkit; Co-Founder / Coordination / Software Development
  • PM4Py; Process Mining Library for Python; Founder / Coordination / Software Development
  • PM4KNIME; Process Mining Library for KNIME; Founder / Coordinator (to be released)
  • RapidProM; Process Mining Library for RapidMiner; Coordination / Software Development
  • ProM; Process Mining Toolkit, written in Java; Software Development


At RWTH Aachen University I was involved in teaching the following courses:

  • Advanced Process Mining; Summer Semester 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022,2023; Responsible Lecturer
  • ProSeminar on Data Pre-Processing; Winter Semester 2018; Supporting Lecturer

At Eindhoven University of Technology, I was involved in teaching the following courses:

  • Advanced Process Mining
  • Introduction to Process Mining
  • Business Process Intelligence
  • Meta-Modeling


I supervised several PhD students (Sorted Chronologically):

  1. Daniel Schuster; Interactive Process Discovery; Fraunhofer FIT;
  2. Humam Kourani; Partial Ordered Workflow Languages; Fraunhofer FIT; 2022 – 2023
  3. Hannes Hafke; Event Data Driven Scheduling; Fraunhofer FIT; 2021-2022
  4. Chiao-Yun Li; High-Level Performance Measurement & Prediction; Fraunhofer FIT;
  5. Mohammadreza Fani Sani; Data Preprocessing for Process Mining; TU/e & RWTH; 2017-2021
  6. Luis Santos Ribriero; Interactive Performance Measurement & Prediction; RWTH; 2019-2020
  7. Junxiong Gao; (Automated) Robotic Process Automation; RWTH;
  8. Mahsa Pourbafrani; Scenario-Based Prediction; RWTH;

I am/was the primary supervisor of several MSc/BSc students in their final thesis project (Sorted Chronologically):

  1. Bernhard Zosel, MSc Student (Celonis); Active
  2. Bart Binda, MSc Student (Celonis); Active
  3. Kai Weinreiss, MSc Student (Celonis); Active
  4. Jan Wieczorek, MSc Student (Celonis); Active
  5. Gero Kolhof, MSc Student (Celonis); Defended March 2024
  6. David Wenderdel, MSc Student; Defended May 2023
  7. Philipp Heisenberger, MSc Student; Defended August 2023
  8. Alan Alrechah, MSc Student; Defended May 2023
  9. Mark Limudjianto, MSc Student; Defended Nov. 2022
  10. Tian Li, MSc Student; Defended May 2022
  11. Tim Donkiewicz, MSc Student; Defening in August 2022
  12. Jonas Tai, BSc Student; Defended March 2022
  13. Jan Wieczorek, BSc Student; Defended Dec. 2021
  14. Xuan Zhang, MSc Student; Defended Jan. 2022
  15. Sara Pashah, MSc Student; Defended Dec. 2021
  16. Julian Walter-Nussberger, MSc Student; Defended March 2022
  17. Harry Beyel, MSc Student; Defended Oct. 2021
  18. Sezin Maden, MSc Student; Defended Nov. 2021
  19. Anand Kumaraguru, MSc Student; Defended Aug. 2021
  20. Eike-Albert Erdmann, MSc Student; Defended Jul. 2021
  21. Moritz Langenberg, BSc Student; Defended Feb. 2021
  22. Philipp Heisenberger, BSc Student; Defended Jan. 2021
  23. Julian Schnitzler, BSc Student; Defended Nov. 2020
  24. Yan Wo, MSc Student; Defended Oct. 2020
  25. Jan Niklas Adams, MSc Student; Defended Sep. 2020
  26. Niklas Dohmen, BSc Student; Defended June. 2020
  27. Yi-Chan Tsai, MSc Student; Defended May 2020
  28. Yukun Cao, MSc Student; Defended Feb. 2020
  29. Ralf Riesen, BSc Student; Defended Jan. 2020
  30. Zheqi Lyu, MSc Student; Defended Dec. 2019
  31. Humam Kourani, BSc Student; Defended Oct. 2019
  32. Daniel Schuster, MSc Student; Defended Jul. 2019
  33. Kefang Ding, MSc Student; Defended May. 2019
  34. Philip Klees, MSc Student; Defended 2017
  35. Rene Slabbekoorn, MSc Student; Defended 2016


  1. Best Paper Award; 21st International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM’23); (Paper: POWL: partially ordered workflow language; Humam Kourani, Sebastiaan J. van Zelst)
  2. Best Paper Award; 26th International Conference on Enterprise Design, Operations, and Computing (EDOC’22); (Paper: Enhanced Transformation of BPMN Models with Cancellation Features; Giorgi Lomidze, Daniel Schuster, Chiao-Yun Li; Sebastiaan J. van Zelst)
  3. Best Paper Award; Second International Workshop on Event Data and Behavioral Analytics (EdbA’21) 2021; (Paper: Visualizing Trace Variants From Partially Ordered Event Data; Daniel Schuster, Lukas Schade, Sebastiaan J. van Zelst, Wil M.P. van der Aalst)
  4. Distinguished Paper Award; 30th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE) 2018; (Paper: Filtering Spurious Events from Event Streams of Business Processes; Sebastiaan J. van Zelst, Mohammadreza Fani Sani, Alireza Ostovar, Raffaele Conforti, Marcello La Rosa)

Academic Service

I act(ed) as a Program Chair:

  1. Algorithms & Theories for the Analysis of Event Data (ATAED 2023) co-located with the 44th International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency
  2. 3rd International Workshop on Streaming Analytics for Process Mining (SA4PM) co-located with the 4th International Conference on Process Mining, 2022
  3. Algorithms & Theories for the Analysis of Event Data (ATAED 2022) co-located with the 43rd International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency
  4. 1st International Workshop on Quantitative Aspects of Process Mining (QAPM) co-located with the 34th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 2022 (CaiSE 2022) (Event Canceled)
  5. 2nd International Workshop on Streaming Analytics for Process Mining (SA4PM) co-located with the 3rd International Conference on Process Mining, 2021
  6. 1st International Workshop on Streaming Algorithms for Process Mining (SA4PM) co-located with the 2nd International Conference on Process Mining, 2020
  7. Demo Track of the 1st International Conference on Process Mining, 2019 (ICPM 2019)
  8. Demo Track of the 40th International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets, 2019 (Petri Nets 2019)

I act(ed) as a Program Committee Member/Reviewer:

(Invited) Talks

  1. (June 2022) Industry 4.0 Maturity Center GmbH; Workshop “Process Mining in Production” for Professional Certification Course on Digital Transformation
  2. (May 2022) Erium GmbH; “Process Mining Beyond the Hype; Webinar
  3. (April 2022) Data Science Darmstadt; “Process Mining Beyond the Hype”; Webinar
  4. (December 2021) Industry 4.0 Maturity Center GmbH; Workshop “Process Mining in Production” for Professional Certification Course on Digital Transformation
  5. (June 2021) Hong Kong Productivity Council / FLAIR Webinar “Data Discovery in Manufacturing and Logistics by Process Mining Technology”: “Process Mining in Manufacgturing and Production: From Insights to Action and Improvement”
  6. (April 2021) KNVI: “Process Mining in Python: PM4Py”
  7. (April 2021) Ordina Data Driven Open Meetup; Inited Talk: “Process Mining and its Applications to Transaction Monitoring”
  8. (Mar 2021) Niederrhein Data Science Summit; Invited Talk: “Process Mining: Where Data Science Meets your Processes”
  9. (Dec 2020) Industry 4.0 Maturity Center GmbH; Workshop “Process Mining in Production” for Professional Certification Course on Digital Transformation
  10. (Dec. 2020) University of Toronto; Invited Lecture in the BPMM course of Dr. Arik Senderovich
  11. (Nov. 2020) AWK’20; Talk on Process Mining and Applications in Production; (in German)
  12. (Sept. 2020) Tutorial on Process Mining using Scripting Languages (BPM Conference)
  13. (Jul. 2020) Queensland University of Technology; Invited Tutorial on PM4Py
  14. (Apr. 2020) Masaryk University; Invited Lecture on (Stream-Based) Process Mining
  15. (Feb. 2020) Data Science Meetup Ordina; Nieuwegein; The Netherlands
  16. (Jan. 2020) Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (Uni Kiel); Guest Lecture on Process Mining, hosted by Prof. Dr. Agnes Koschmider
  17. (Nov. 2019) Lasaris Research Group; Masaryk University (Conf-Call); Stream-Based Process Mining
  18. (Nov. 2019) PyData 2019 Eindhoven; Talk on Process Mining